The Essential Rick Rankin
These days, Rick lives with his wife Lesley in Ontario. He clearly lucked out as she is personable, intelligent and a fine looking. They are both Lawyers by profession.
He still has his wonderful sense of humor, demeanor and heart. But while he has kept most of his youthful features, I don't think he wears over-alls anymore.
But in my minds eye, this is how I will always see our old friend. And nothing will ever change that image.
Lorraine R. D'Aguilar sent Rick this picture after the reunion last May07 and he sent it on to to me.
If you have any pictures of yourself or other friends from back in 1968-75 range, before during or even after high-school into college days, send them to me - I'll post them here.
Send them as jpeg images attached to an e-mail to the hotmail address listed above on this blog.