Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Go Slow Wins the Race

We have Two Years

Yes there is a movement afoot to have another good sized reunion like the one in 2007.

It is a modest movement like the beginnings of a camp fire.
We are getting the kindling going and it is not yet time to put big logs on.

As in any 'beginning' we tackle the small questions first - who will do what in the time leading up to the event. As we see reality being woven from the fabric of activity, we are then able to best gauge what can be properly handled if success is to result.

For those who know not what the last one cost in time, energy, planning and coordination, -in real terms-suffice it to say -considerable. Many moments of our 'life time' were devoted, earning us some luck and breaks and as a result we succeeded.

The aim for the next one is to allow for some expansion so that those who attended the last one can do so once again, and further, -for those who chose not to come last time but then heard later how much fun was had - well, they too can now attend. It is after hearing from so many of these people - who may have graduated during the years indicated in the previous post - that we are taking this action.

Now, if there are friends form the years on either side of '72 like the many who attended last time, there should be no problem as long as once tickets are issued in future months people pay for those in advance (like last time) and reserve their spot -since there is only so much room in a large hotel salon.

As we go forward and hear from you all -(to remain organized, by e-mail only) on your intent to join the party, then we shall have a better position from which to negotiate with whichever size hotel we need. The factors that will be considered are :
a) decreased cost for increased volume,
b) but then for increased volume the necessity for more room and meals,  which again
c) increases cost.

But as with nurturing a camp fire to it's full potential, we must be very careful how we go about our planning. Some campfires if we pour gasoline on, go right out of control, burn people and then burn out prematurly before fufilling it's true function.... providing sustained heat and quality of life.

So an approach of optimism,balance and patience will be required from all, as the answers emerge from the detail of planning that has just begun by the planning group.

So the next one is in two years. More details from the planning team will come out later. But certain topics are simply premature to discuss 'out there' by us, at this moment.

For those who show motivation to help us get this event to take place, we encourage you to contact us by e-mail only. You may contact Les McConnell with questions at L.mcconnell7@sympatico.ca. A response will be forthcoming to all e-mails received. Yet the answers you seek now may be premature for this early stage.

Thank you for your understanding.


Monday, May 23, 2011

Did you know?

Still Alive and Kicking '72 and Friends

There are people in our lives who affected us in subtle and not so subtle ways.

Some were teachers, others friends, and others - those with magic in their smile and magnetics of the eye..

Life is fleeting.

And ...for many, the moments of magic from the past have an even stronger hold now than when they were children. Oh, they know that the light transfered by laughter from a boy to a girl or girl to a boy is but an echo. And yet the echo is forever in the heart and dreams of fancy somewhere in between the spaces.

Many are haunted by past moments, not just happy but tragic as well. As adults we know there are some things that cannot be put right or as we might prefer them.

But - there is still a lingering belief in those moments; treasured - even if we know that those dreams have wafted away on the breeze of lost opportunity and youth - leaving us as we are now, who we are now, as others see us today but on the inside still that magic being.

I discovered at the last reunion in 2007, well beyond the 30 something years since high school, some having  become parents whose children have flown, some have become grandparents, some having careers and perhaps success and money, or having experienced failure, degradation, divorce, disease, depression....

I discovered at the last reunion that when I met up with friends and acquaintances who knew me as a child of 15, or 18, or 20 - that the person I was then, still exists- in others. They remind me of the silly things but also of things I had not realized, the positive effect I had on some...I did not know. How could I - I was a kid!

I discovered that some people look to a moment when they can allow 'today' to blend into 'yesterday' to see who we are now, listen to the sound of our voices- laughter and be recognized with a rush of familiarity -the smile, handshake or hug, to share perhaps one last moment; the stories, buried, long gone -come rushing back, one last chance...

I came away knowing the value of the time spent in those days despite my attitude of wanting oh so desperately to get away from it all and to never ever come back.

'Reunion',  has long ago for most of us transcended from a silly show-off of materialistic name game, to a process- where people are eager to find out who the inner you is- and if the 'you' they knew still exists in there.

Are you ready for the next REUNION in Chateauguay /Montreal, Victoria Day Weekend 2013 for those who went to HSB during 1967 through prime 1972 and then on perhaps to 1975? The same group that put on the last big one ('72 & Friends) are doing it once again.

Check off your calendar. We sincerely look forward seeing you once again. Get all your big travel plans done next year but 2013 May, must be reserved to come HOME. We guarantee you will come away with more of yourself than you came with...even if you did not graduate, you were part of the family and always will be. You will have one last chance to make good!