Have you ever taken a quiet moment to ask yourself Who you are?
Think about it for a moment.
Our outside persona is made up of a transport system, equipped with tools that enable us to travel and gather data about our world. We 'do' all kinds of things and collect experience like ants collecting prize bits of leaves or chunks of cookie droppings.
The data is transmitted bio-electronically through to our central processing units (brain) for decision making.
Our primary 'goal-setting default or bias' is biologically 'set' towards continuing the species and surviving individually. Emphasis on "individually".
Our 'ambulatory' or walking transport systems have a fuel entry point and a spent fuel refuse ejection system.
We are gifted with arms and hands to manipulate the world around us and our meagre creations and re-creations. Our eyes and noses further refine the vision, quantifying and qualifying our findings, the most notable saved for adulation, discussion and academic digestion.
But all this describes the outer shell of our 'being'.
So who are we?
We are individually oriented so that as we attain our inevitable passing from this sphere, those left behind can continue on without too much bother.
We are therefore 'self centric' and endeavor to be self sufficient within the systems we have created for ourselves on this planet. Again, the outside 'shell'.
Who am i?
If my body (and it's internal parts that support the ambulatory vehicle) make up the outer side of a circle, the inner me would be the inside of the circle.
So the 'i' or inner voice within the circle would be the center transmitting desire and direction to the outer me via synaptic pathways . But 'who', is that 'i' or inner voice?
Where does it live?
In the brain? The heart? The chakras? The solar plexus?
That 'consciousness' carried about within the bony container, the 'i' or 'me' cannot be seen.
It,-- that invisible center of the inner circle, is evident, only so long as the outer shell is 'alive'.
So, that consciousness at the center within, drives the outer vehicle- with the intent of getting from here to there through space to achieve self oriented goals of survival and continuation as a point of necessity.
Is that inner 'me'-- my personality? Soul? Spirit? or just arbitrary electrical impulses?
Once I stop 'doing', cease activity, calming the outer and inner motion, who am I?
Yes- the outer shell is still recognized by others by it's given name, social status and difference to others. But what of the inner core?
Have you ever tried to - stop all doing- even for 30 seconds?
Try it! Stop all movement, seeing/looking, talking, thinking, planning next steps -all activity... except for breathing.
Now shine the flashlight of your mind on where the identity of 'you' is .
Where are "you"? - locate it .
Stop the needs voices " What shall I make for dinner, I wonder if he/ she still loves me, What should I get at IGA...stop shhhh! (Make the thoughts stop just for a few seconds. )
Where is the 'i'? Where does it go when your body sleeps?
The outer identity vehicle is in bed...but where is the 'i'?
Perhaps the question might better be...'What' is 'i'.
I 'think' I know you. You 'think' you know me.
How presumptuous of us all! I am still trying to understand who or what I am and where my 'attitude' originates. Why do I knee jerk 'react' to some things while with others I am able to calmly 'respond' with applied inner discipline?
Such clever beings are we, gifted with the ability to 'discern' that which is agreeable and that which is not...gifted with the ability to choose what action we will apply in this life and those actions we will not.
What is the purpose of 'i'...
another question...
How will WE save our world?