Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Reunion May 2013 Prep

Pass this on to all who might be interested!

In preparation for the upcoming May 2013 Long Week-end (Victoria Day)( Reunion produced by '1972 and Friends' ( Friends on either side of 1972), please send me an e-mail of interest, indicating if you would have the intention of attending . This will give me negotiating power with Hotels and other service providers as well as being able to assess how much room we would need if in the best of all scenarios we could be able to accommodate all those who wish to come. BY the way - even if you did not graduate ...come on down!

I need:
- your name,
- graduating year,
- current e-mail address,
- if you would be coming alone or with someone else -who?,
-would you be staying over at the hotel (prevent drinking and driving) where we hold the big Saturday night bash.
- who you would be arranging to meet with before and during the reunion,
- and then, if you figure you will never have another chance in this life....who would you just love to see, one more time this reunion.

This information shall remain confidential.
Send to my email      >

I look forward to seeing you.

Les McConnell
Class of 1972

...It would really be neat to see what Miss.Westgate looks like now or Bill Howes person!
Now that would be cool! Peter Royal? Mr.Burke? Emily Reid?...she's now a Financial Planner..

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