Thursday, March 01, 2012

From my ipad

Well I can now gain access via my iPad but the entry software google
Provides for this purpose is geared really to iPod or one's iPhone and not the iPad itself.

Of course google is a competitor in this case and
Would prefer if I was using their technology- android?

Hmmmm since this is not very pleasant, I still
Might have to shift to a new blog space that is "friendlier" on the entry.

Let us test importing a picture to see what happens.

So I tried to import a photo of the I glass hallway at Billings and then I opened my front door on Ashmore to take a
Shot of what I am seeing this morning.

So let us try to publish now and check for result.

Not bad, but I cannot size the photographs like I could before and the pictures slide in at the bottom of the page. I cannot seem to position the photos upward and have the text wrap around. Entry of text is difficult since the programming is geared
Not for iPad but iPod or iPhone. You can see where there are capitalized letters in inappropriate places too.

I shall explore other spaces and then get back .

Perhaps it is time, since we are gearing down to the next reunion and I could start anew... We shall see.

Ok , time to start getting my thoughts back to the market and financial
planning for my clients.

Thank goodness theTSX dropped yesterday, as I was entering so many deposits for client RRSPs... Best to buy low...or lower.

It is really cool since I started Skyping, my client base is expanding. I now
Help Clients in their investment management, decision-making and
Financial planning outside Quebec, in Ontario and Alberta too!

With the use of DropBox I am able to have clients sign Documents and pass back to me in seconds and the account is opened. My how technology has evolved.

Oh For those of you who recall the teacher Mr. Mullahoo, who taught us in grade 7 just as the Chateauguay High was becoming HSB, I must regretfully report to you that this very kind
community oriented gentleman passed away two weeks ago.

I will record some recollections of this man in the future and post a picture as well.

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