Monday, June 12, 2006


Written by
Lynda (Young) Chapleau


Reading the wonderful tales written so far, I couldn’t help but think how lucky we were to have some of our former “teachers”, especially those, who gave so freely of their time and patience. I think we might have taken these gifts for granted.

I remember Miss. Laporte and Mr. McElrea in particular, devoting so much effort with the Drama Club- putting up with our antics, both on and off stage.

There are two others I would love to see once more; two who made a profound impact on my life.

I will always remember her theatrical way of making everything we studied for Grade 10 English, so real; vibrant! She introduced me to the practice of journal writing. Everyone groaned and grumbled when they heard the topic, yet, we did use them for a time. I suspect by year end they were long forgotten, but that part stayed with me.

I’m not saying that I write a journal faithfully, yet similar to exhaustive and soul-baring letters I’ve written, leaving me purged and free, I have had the occasion to write my way through ‘things of torment’, in a beat up old notebook.

“Write down any ‘thing’ you want, as long as you get it out! ”, she would enunciate.

For these instructions, “given” to us, so many years ago; Mrs.Strike, I thank you. I am only sorry it is too late for you to hear me say this[1].

After graduating, I went back to pick up some required credits.

I recall even now, every September, all the way through high school, praying, “Please… don’t give me Mr. Falcon for History class!” I had heard the horror stories about how tough he was; how he’d go ballistic if assignments weren’t handed in!

How easy it was to buy into all of that!

Then, for the first time I didn't ‘have’ to take History, who did I get? - Mr. Falcon.

“Mr. Falcon, you brought History to life, inspiring me to ‘want’ to work.
The thought of disappointing you by not doing 'only my very' best, motivated me ever higher.”

All through school, in past History Classes I had barely squeaked by with a passing grade, but that term, I had achieved 99% average.

Mr. Falcon encouraged and challenged us learn, to do our best and ultimately, to have faith- in ourselves.

I learned from that experience, ‘never again give too much credence a second hand opinion’, but rather, judge and asses things, on my own.

Mr. Falcon was and is the best teacher I have ever had.

So, while I am so looking forward to seeing my fellow classmates and friends, at the reunion, I can't help but hope, that I will also have the great opportunity to meet Mr. Falcon once more, if only one last time- so that I may shake his hand and thank him in person for dedicating his life to teaching. The opportunity is seldom and the time is upon all, NOW.

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