Monday, April 30, 2007

On The Bright Side

In High School there were a number of us who were just a little too clever. But then there were those who were gifted with the sense that our parents wished we all could have.
They knew better than to make snarky remarks in class when the teacher was in listening distance. This wasn't because they were flying below the radar or were sneaky. No.
They just had 'sense'.
Well at least to me they did.

Peter Wares, Richard Beauchamp and David Murdoch were three such people. I just hope they can let that guard down a bit now and come for a visit.

By the way Peter -say 'Hi' to Lois and the kids for Me and Jane... we miss you both.
Oh yes- Richard still looks this good!

And David??? It's been years -love to see him again. Is he still with Anne?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey...Thank you Les for organizing the reunion unfortunately I can't be at the reunion as I will be at my niece's wedding and yes Anne is "lucky" to still be with me.

I am sure that that the reunion will be a huge success.

Dave Murdoch