Saturday, July 11, 2009

Black and White and shades of gray.
Barry Jones, Steve Poirier, Scott Johnson.

(I'm afraid I cannot remember the name of the person sitting beside Scott Johnson.)
This is extracted from a class picture from grade 8 if I am not mistaken.
Photography is fascinating. It captures a moment and beyond that, it chrystalizes certain character traits and moods.


Anonymous said...

Scott Johnson left us too :( Some 60's gals and I are creating a memorial site for Billings folks who have passed on. I didn't realize Fred has passed how sad. Do you have an obit? We'd love to include him and any others you can think off.. miss you on FacePoo...

Sue Davis Worth

Les McConnell said...

If you go back to the geginning of this blog and move forward from there you will see a number of alumnus who have left us including Scott Johnston, Scott Brydon, Andy Ogilvy,and others who were even in contact during the prep of the Reunion 72 in May two years ago.
