Monday, October 09, 2006

High Scool Was Great! Especially Gr.9

Now, I know it wasn't great for everybody, but it was for me. Even the scary moments.

Grade nine is a stupid year for boys. I just don't know how girls could put up with us. Oh yeah- that's right! They are busy looking at all the guys in grade 10 and 11.

I remember being in Mrs. Thomas's English class and she had to go down to the office for something.

I didn't know that she had asked Mr.Dikaitis to keep an eye on her class through the door window while she was gone. - I mean, the least she could have done was given us a warning! Do you remember him? -the aspiring weight lifter with the glare of a bulldog set for battle?

I of course, a 5 ft. 4inch aspiring leprechuan saw right away that Donna Sloan had left her purse open on the wire basket beneath her desk.

"HMMM", thought I, "now here is a challenge! Just too quiet in here, must do something about this. I wonder what Donna has in her purse?" Not the brightest crayon in the box was I.

I discovered a wrapped little thing attached to a string and I began to twirl it about. I do not believe I understood the import of this little package - but hey! it had a string so ...

I felt myself lifted body and soul out of my seat, high up in the air and rushed out in the hall smashed up aginst the top of the lockers by the scruff of my neck, feet dangling .

I could no longer see into my class room, but I could see across the hall where Mr. Dikaitus had been teaching -math I think- and I could see Jimmy Williams in there looking up at me. I had never seen Jimmy with that kind of concern before... or was he trying to stifle a laugh?

I'm sure we all have stories. That is one of my least memorable for dignity and intelligence.

Of course there were all the "women" from that grade level. I think I fell in love every time I passed someone in the hall. Of course there were teachers too! Miss Westgate who become Mrs. Devos and then Mrs. Sally Clark.

When looking back to grade 9, I think there was only one guy who could really keep his composure, dignity and emit the light of "cool" from his eyes other than Bob Oliver (who was in grade 10). He had grace under fire, sense of humour and a smile that made everybody feel good. He was and (I hope) always will be, a delight to those he chooses to associate with - Mr.Hopeton D'Aguilar. His parents have solid reason to be proud.

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