Thursday, March 22, 2007

A Friend In Deed

I have come to the conclusion that running a business is similar to the game of Golf. Fortunately I am better at the former than the latter.

A business can give you tremendous highs and cause learning of true humility in the lows. In both, there is requirement to attain a certain Zen persistence and letting go, - a certain attainment of knowing when to go further and when to recede.

When it comes to the practice of enterprise development, especially in understanding what will make a business run -and run well, there is one man I know who, in my opinion is a Zen Master- he is like a golf pro of business. Like a tracker -he can read the ground, surroundings and know almost intuitively -not just a general direction, but specifically, which is the most effective way to go.

Yet he is comfortable not having all the answers all of the time. He knows better than that and surrounds himself with those who demonstrate results in their fields -be it law, finance, marketing, sales, investment, management and makes them into players on a team -all enjoying the game. He knows the secret, that while working hard will help, working smart, - is all.

He is approachable, jovial, always ready to laugh and enjoy life. And if you are lucky enough to get caught up in his day, you may discover his technique for asking questions -always asking questions. And boy, can he listen. ( It's all about detail right?)

He seems to be continually collecting pieces of the grater puzzle. To watch and listen to him in his quest, is really something- because before you know it, he will take two separate strands of thought -and come to a conclusion that will provide the essence of a new successful business.

That which is hidden or lost in plain site is taken in hand, held up for close inspection, loose assumptions discarded leaving opportunities to be found.

Whether you may have known him before or thought you had known him, if you do get the chance to bump into him at the reunion, make a point of establishing him as a future contact - friend or possible venture capitalist or adviser to a business problem. He is a man of charm, good taste and is well worth knowing.

He is Bob Houston.

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