Thursday, May 25, 2006

Today's "open" Question.

I was just on the e-mail with John Dempster and then a nice sounding girl named Susan -( who left Billings before graduating and who married Steve Devlin.)

I sent them, along with others on Classmates a couple of questions, one of which I shall ask you -you, who read this blog with any degree of regularity.

Here is the "open" question:
What student(s) in your highschool years had the greatest effect on your life during those times and more important HOW did they effect you, or how did their effect on you, change or influence who your are?
I am going to give my answer, but through the "comments button" below.
So if you wish to read my candid response about him/her, you'll have to go to the comments.

I would like your answer too. I am sincerely interested. This is not an easy question to answer honestly, I find. So think seriously before you write.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm finding it easier to mentally list who was not an influence, so I shall have to drag my mind back to the point.I must also define "influence" by type. I do not simply mean 'good' or 'bad'. I mean "Direct" versus "indirect".

As a direct external influence I would have to say that I have had various influences but the most predominant would have to be Jimmy Williams. Like him, I never had a brother. I have four sisters. So in Jimmy I found a brother. We were like Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn -me being the Tom Sawyer.

Jimmy(has to this day)the capacity to push the envelope to it's greatest point. There was never a cliff edge that did not present him a challenge. For me, a cliff edge immediately sent signals of certain doom. For Jimmy, the cliff edge presented the possibility of a new point of view and a challenge to overcome 'fear' - as if for it's own sake.

Sometimes though, he did go too far -especially when angry. However there were times where he stopped me, from going too far - almost as if to say - "it's one thing for Me-Jim to risk this , but I'm won't allow you to risk it". So Jimmy had an Abraxian influence (two sided -one of the dark side and one of the light- wherein the dark does not mean "evil" but simply unafraid of social consequence) on me. I think he had the same effect on a number of people.

So how did this effect me? I now question the'fear' of doing things simply because social signals that say "Don't Do This or Don't Do That".

I question things far more. I have come to the conclusion that the "devil is in the detail" and once you know the detail you know how far to "risk" to attain a benefit, without falling off the cliff.

I will not break laws, mind you, and I am far less aggresive than others in this approach, but there are circumstances which all too easily cause people to 'miss out' simply becuase someone else may have thought an approach to a situation simply unwise. Sometimes I find those people simply lazy and complascent.

I have found that once I put things under the microscope of 'consideration' and attained the detail, the right and qualified answer presents itself almost like math numbers in an equation. This element of seeking the deatil and constant questionning has also been reinforced solidly (but after highschool in the last 10 years) by someone else who I consider one of my closest of friends and of him, I will tell a different story at another time. His name is Bob Houston.