Monday, December 31, 2007

World Dragon Boat Championship Winners In Australia Autumn 2007

Heroes and Heroines From Chateauguay -

Peter Markhauser, Joanne O'Hanley, Anita Duwel and Keith Mercer

This is an example of how determination, grit, hard work, discipline and commitment pay off.

Many of us from past graduation years at Chateauguay High / H.S. Billings, will recall with pride the family names in the above picture.

At an earlier age, as featured in one of my earlier blog entries, pictures of H.S. Billings gymnasts from the past are featured and there too is Joanne.

Joanne is currently a guidance counsellor for the Kahnawake Survival School while Anita Duwel is an adult coordinator for the New Frontiers School Board (the name of the board of which Billings is a part.)

Keith Mercer and Peter Markhauser are known for their past participation at the Chateauguay Canoe Club.

These competitors are a solid reflection of their good families, values and stand as examples of success - for parents, teachers and children .

If any of you read this - Joanne, Peter, Anita and Keith - the H.S. Billings Alumni - your peers- congratulate you. We suspect that over the duration of your journey and training, you loved the challenge, competition and the fun. But you are to be recognized since you have, -in fact- hurled yourselves by your own efforts -into a well deserved circle of greatness.

It takes belief in a dream, great effort, expense, time, sweat, pain and patient support from one's family to stick to a plan of action- such as this. Completion is one thing- impressive -but then to excel and shine; these are the traits of true winners.

You have made your families, friends, neighbors and Canadians proud. You have brought further recognition to the sport of Dragon Boat Racing.


You have gone beyond day-to-day norms, reached out to your dreams and succeeded. You have every right to be respected and recognized
-as champions.

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